Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Itching Ears

When you have an itch, what do want to make it go away? You want to scratch it.  When you have itching ears, what do you want to make it go away? You want to hear what will feel good. (2 Timothy 4:3)

Balak and Balaam (Numbers 22-24) had itching ears. Balak itched to hear that Israel would be cursed.  He thought Balaam could do that. Balaam itched to receive riches for what he said, Neither had any itching to hear God's opinion.

People with itching ears want to hear that God is love.  They won't get their ears scratched by hearing that we are accountable to God because He made us. Some ministries scratch their listeners ears by talking about planting a seed donation to their organization, which will multiply and make them rich. They don't mention that people should expect persecution.

The cure for itching ears is to read the Bible, weigh what you want to it, and accept all the Bible says, not just what you like.