
The Other Half

Why do churches exist that are so large, their membership can barely be counted?
Why do television preachers own private jets and million dollar mansions?
What am I doing wrong?
The unrighteous say you can get everything you want from God.
Just plant your seed by giving us your money, then reap your reward.
Look at Abraham and Jacob, how rich they became.
You just have to say it and claim it.

My God says
“Have you looked in a mirror?
Like cleaning only half your face, you are ignoring the other half of My truth.
You say look at Abraham and Jacob. I say look again.
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son.
When was the last time, you were willing to sacrifice a meal for the poor?
Look at Jacob. Jacob tricked his father into giving him the blessing.
Then Jacob’s father-in-law tricked Jacob into marrying the sister of his bride to be.
Repent and let Me teach you how to walk by faith and not by sight.”

God owns the cows on a thousand hills.
But I do not want to always be asking for things.
It is when I confess and repent of my sins that I have peace in my heart.
I believe more in Your Word to mankind than my feelings.
Your mercy extends to me.
It extends to all people. Your truth extends to all generations.
May I always look in the mirror of Your Word and keep my whole face clean.

God of Details

My God is a God of details.
He has the hairs on my head numbered,
And knows when a sparrow falls.

My God planned the details of a book
So its truths would still meet the needs of
The next thousand generations,

My God knows the details of how to make a baby
He has done it at least a billion times
And He’ still not tired of doing it.

If worry cannot add one cubit to your stature
Why not leave the details

Of your problem up to God?

Although  (Based on Habbakuk 3:17-18, KJV)

Although I can’t remember where I put things,
Although I use reading glasses now,
Although my clothes do not fit like they used to,
Although I have to walk slower than I use to,
Although they take away my car keys,
Although no one is interested in what I am interested in,
Although no one comes to visit me anymore,
Although they call me names,
Although they take away my Bible,
Yet will I rejoice in the Lord and I will joy in the God of my salvation.

What Kind of God Do You Want?

Do you want a god to ignore you, like you do Him?
            To never be punished, like a spoiled brat?     
            To expect perfection, without helping you?
            To buy works, as the way to heaven?
My God corrects me like a father disciplines his child.
            Is patient enough to let me grow at my own pace.
            Forgives me and does not depend on my works.
            Brings verses of wisdom to any situation.
My God I like well enough to want to be around Him in heaven.
            Do you like your god well enough to say that?

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