Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Parable of the Sower and the Seed

The parable of the sower sowing seed follows through in more than one symbol.  The land needs to prepared like John the Baptist did for Jesus. Each seed could be a verse. The wind that makes plant wave in the wind cannot be seen, just as we can only see the effects of the Holy Spirit.

I'm sure that over time, the sower sowed more than the one time.  I've been through all the grounds mentioned.  When I was a child, I ignored a lot of verses I heard (the hard ground).  The second sowing was understanding the message and agreeing to it, but I didn't stick with what I had learned.  The third time, I tried to follow the Bible, but I kept being side tracked with cares and things I wanted to do.  I am hopeful that now I am in good ground phase. I hope and see signs that I am fruitful.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Understanding into Action

   Jesus put understanding into action.  Like his temptation.  He knew the Bible well enough to know to use scripture to defeat temptation, even though he didn't site its reference. (Matt 4:1-11).
   Jesus didn't keep his understanding of the holy to himself.  He put his knowledge of the holy into action by teaching multitudes what they needed to hear in parables.  He gave the Good Samaritan story  to illustrate new ideas about attitudes we should have.
  Jesus's understanding goes beyond human experience.  He walked on water and stilled the sea and we can only believe it because the Bible tells us so.
In spite of all his knowledge and understanding, he came to earth in human form so we could have a mediator who was tempted as we are, yet without sin and so we could come to the throne of grace to find mercy and grace in time of need.  (Heb 4:15-16)      

Saturday, June 14, 2014

How to Get Understanding

     If understanding is knowledge of the holy (Prov 9:10) and that wisdom goes with understanding (Prov 14:33), then the question becomes "How do I get understanding?"
     Simple.  You ask for it.
     God didn't just say to ask for it once.  He said "give me understanding" five times in Psalms 119  (verses 34, 73, 125, 144, 169).  If you count asking for wisdom as being like asking for understanding, then there are more verses.  Jesus said to ask and it would be given to you (Matt 7:7); James says God will not get mad if you ask for wisdom (James 1:5); Wisdom herself is asking to be listened to.
    Each of those verses in Ps 119 comes with a reason to ask for wisdom.  Verse 34 says "I shall keep thy law".  Verse 73 says "that I may learn thy commandments".  Verse 125 says "that I may know thy testimonies" (I would like to suggest  recognize thy testimonies).  Verse 144 says "I shall live".  Verse 169 says "give me understanding according to thy word."
     Let's face it.  God likes being asked.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Key to Understanding

I wrote an object lesson about bread.  In it I talked about all the ways bread could be used and compared it to how the Bible is useful for instruction, correction, and many other things.  That is kind of like a parable.
To help us understand, Jesus spoke in parables.  Luke 4:34 says, "without a parable spake he not unto them".  He wanted to make sure he got his point across.  The best way was to tell short stories of things they were familiar with. He told the disciples, "that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."(Luke 8:10).  The explaining of the Bible did not stop after the resurrection.  Luke 24:45 says about the disciples, " Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures".  John summed it up for us in 1 John 5:20, "And we know that the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding that we know him that is true, and we are in him."

Monday, June 9, 2014

"Understanding" in the Bible

     When I think of the word "understanding", I think of how-to.  A mechanic understands how to fix a car.  A beautician understands how to give a haircut.  A plumber knows how to repair a toilet.
     Sometimes when I read the Bible, I come across the word "understanding".  I ask myself, "Understand what?"
     I have found a verse that helps me.  Prov 9:10 says "knowledge of the holy is understanding".  Some verses make more sense by simply substituting the phrase "knowledge of the holy" for "understanding".
     For example, we are given knowledge of the holy in all things (2 Tim. 2:7)  Temple officials were astonished by Jesus' knowledge of the holy,  (Luke 2:47).  We are commanded to go in the way of knowledge of the holy, (Prov 9:6).
     "Wisdom rests in the heart of him that has understanding" (Prov 14:3).  Understanding the how-to of knowledge of the holy is as simple as following the ten commandents.  Jesus' commandments are based on them.  Way back in Ezekiel,  God promised to give a new heart and a new spirit so we could walk in His statutes (Eze. 36:26-27)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Trusting Releases Faith

     I've been getting frustrated that I need a second car, but can't afford any under 125,000 miles.  It's easy to think up reasons why things will be worse if I don't get one.  I will not be able to go to doctor appointments because my daughter has the car.  My daughter and I will be carless if the one vehicle we have breaks down. How will she get to work?

     I asked a missionary I know how he dealt with these kinds of fear.  He said, "I have learned to have no fear."  In fact, he saw problems as a challenge. He was excited by the opportunity to see how God would work out his problem.

   That's a tremendous amount of trust.  Slowly I am learning to pray, leave things in God's hands, then forge ahead with my best guess as to what to do.

Thought for the day: Trust is like when a child hands a wounded puppy into the hands of a veterinarian.