Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sin of Prayerlessness

(Psalm like poem)

I love You, God because You first loved me.
I like being around You.
I value the things You do
Like forgiveness, mercy, and faithfulness.
Thank You for the gift of prayer,
A time together to discuss things.
Why do hearts lack a desire to pray?
Why does the carnal life prevent
Talking about the immeasurable evil of sin?
Why do Christians not have greater influence
In their service?
No time.
Wandering thoughts.
Unbelief and hopelessness.
The flesh can always find excuses not to pray.
Thank You, Lord, that walking after the Spirit
Does not require doing works.
Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus
Who knows us because He went through it
Who won the battle with temptation and sin
Who intercedes for our prayers.
Thank You most of all
For the peace that passes all understanding.

Friday, May 17, 2019

It is so windy today, I thought I would publish this poem.

The Wind

Branches sway and wiggle like a restless child.
Dry leaves dance a jig across the road.
Dust fans squirm to the road’s other side.
What the adult takes for granted,
The child in him wonders
That nothing can move something.

The mother doesn’t yell at a child
The father decides to go to the program after all.
The child enjoys soap suds of dishwashing.
What a Christian takes for granted,
The child in him wonders
That God’s Spirit moves man.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Weave, Woven, Weave

She wove my threads onto her own,
In my likes and out her own,
In my dreams and out her own,
Out my faults and in her time,
Out my hates and in her love.

Time has woven all her threads.
Roll-up the cloth, unwind the warp,
No time to stop the pattern.
Only time that now remains
Is to weave on threads of my own.

This is a Mother's Day poem. I've been told the poem is too abstract, so I'll explain.

The strings on the loom, before doing any weaving, is called the warp. I see that as being God's commands and presence. He calls the design of the weaving, but the weaver (the mother)  does the work. "In" refers to entering the shuttle on the warp. "Out" refers to the shuttle coming out the other side. The weaver is the mother. When she dies, the "weaving" becomes "woven". God rolls up the woven part to expose more warp. The daughter then begins her own weaving.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

God, Faith and Promises

These quotes are from With Christ in the School of Prayer  by Andrew Murray.

The power to believe a promise depends entirely on faith in the promiser. p. 75

Faith in the promise depends on my knowledge of the promiser. p. 76

Faith is simply surrender; I yield myself to the impression that the words I hear make on me. p.77

Faith looks to God more than thing promised. p.78

In faith, you make God your own; the promise will be yours too. p. 79

Faith is fellowship.

God's promise will be to us what God Himself is. p. 79

I highly recommend the book, but it is not an easy read. There are a lot of long sentences and I read the book 2 or 3 times to get the full impact. It was written in the 1800s and Google had it for free.