Monday, May 5, 2014

Layers of Meaning

The Bible is an amazing work of writing.  It is even more amazing to me to find the wording able to reveal layers of meanings.  I'll give three examples.

1) Ps 28:1  "Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit."
     God is called a rock in this verse.  Rocks don't hear anything.  God can't hear if there is unconfessed sin between me and God (Isa 59:2).  This may be why the Psalmist said "be not silent to me".  You can stumble over a rock. Pharisees stumbled over Jesus who is called the "stumblingstone and the rock of offence" (Rom 9:33).
      The Psalmist called God his rock and fortress (Ps 31:3)  Rocks are strong and can be made into a good foundation.  Jesus is even called the cornerstone (Eph 2:20).

2) Ps 37:23  "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way."  Does "he" and "him" refer to the man delighting in God's way?  Or does it mean God delights in the man's way?  I think it is both.

3)  I Sam 5:6-7 called Jerusalem the city of David, while Luke 2:4 Bethlehem is the city of David.  That sounds like a contradiction, but symbolically it is not.  Jerusalem is in the promised land and can symbolize Jesus coming for the Jews.  But Jesus died outside the walls of Jerusalem, which could symbolize Jesus coming for the Gentiles.  At least, that satisfies me.

There are lots of symbols in the Bible.  The next time you want to see layers of meaning, try following a symbol.  I have found following the characteristics of a symbol here on earth can lead to finding more spiritual truths.

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