Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sin of Prayerlessness

(Psalm like poem)

I love You, God because You first loved me.
I like being around You.
I value the things You do
Like forgiveness, mercy, and faithfulness.
Thank You for the gift of prayer,
A time together to discuss things.
Why do hearts lack a desire to pray?
Why does the carnal life prevent
Talking about the immeasurable evil of sin?
Why do Christians not have greater influence
In their service?
No time.
Wandering thoughts.
Unbelief and hopelessness.
The flesh can always find excuses not to pray.
Thank You, Lord, that walking after the Spirit
Does not require doing works.
Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus
Who knows us because He went through it
Who won the battle with temptation and sin
Who intercedes for our prayers.
Thank You most of all
For the peace that passes all understanding.

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