The combination of mercy and truth is powerful (Proverbs 16:6, KJV). Together, it purges iniquity. If a criminal admits that he robbed, that he hurt his victim and that he is in the wrong, that is the truth part. The mercy part comes from the victim. The victim can acknowledge that the criminal is admitting to the truth of what happened. It is then that mercy from the victim can shine through and healing can begin on both sides. Both can set aside the incident and live together in peace. This is a good formula for parents to teach their children.
Mercy and truth can also preserve you (Psalms 61:7, KJV). As mentioned above, it can bring healing in an argument. But it doesn't happen automatically. God has to prepare mercy and truth in those that are involved. If God can change a king's heart like a river, He can answer prayers for peace.
A person who shows truth and mercy will get a good reputation (Proverbs 20:28, KJV). It will be returned to him because he does good things. It can also preserve a king and establish his throne because he is devising good things by considering mercy and truth.
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