Friday, January 25, 2019

The Singing Command

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Psalms 149                                                                    
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. (Psalms 47:6, KJV)

            At a funeral when the congregation sung hymns, I was seated next to an outstanding alto woman, and to an excellent baritone man in the pew behind me. I felt ashamed to sing because I cannot tell the difference between a “C” and an “A”. I am a soprano but my range is limited. I am usually flat. I felt God’s pressure to sing. How could I ruin their good singing with my cracked voice? Would they ask me to quit making noise?
            I am tired of hearing “make a joyful noise” when referring to singing quality. I do not think God believes bad singing is “noise”, like static on a radio. He made us and knows our limitations. He tells us throughout the Psalms to rejoice and sing.
            I finally gave in and sang.  Neither the man nor woman mentioned my singing.
            To this day, I remember how I felt, but I am getting better about singing both in a crowd and alone. I am encouraged when I realize even God sings (Zephaniah 3:17, KJV).

Prayer: Thank You for enjoying even poor singing. Amen

Friday, January 18, 2019

Statutes, Precepts, and Commandments

   Psalms 119 talks a lot about statutes, precepts, and commandments. I believe God has shown me a down-to-earth way of thinking of them. The laws of physics are unbreakable. If you ever drove a car too fast around a corner, you will feel the law of physics. Just as you cannot stop gravity or light waves; you cannot stop God's love or judgment on sinners.
     Precepts are the ways in which God puts the laws together to get His work done. This compares to a car. The firing of the pistons does not violate the laws of physics. It takes Christian maturity to be observant enough to recognize precepts happening. One I can think of is the power of praise controlling my thoughts. 
     Commandments are like driving the car. The driver does not need to know how the laws of physics work. They do need to know enough to turn the key and how to use the brake, accelerator, and gear shift. The person uses the car for a reason.  God has a purpose for the commandments He gives and the road map to get there.
     Testimones come after the driver gets out of the car. Magazines give reviews of cars. Christians who obeyed talk about God working with them or through them. Christians who did not obey can still talk about the lessons they learned.


Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Reaching a Relationship with Jesus

Photo by David Straight on Unsplash
Reaching a Relationship With Jesus

I grew up in a Christian home. The church taught the gospel correctly, including to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
What they did not teach was how to gain that relationship. How do you have a relationship with a God that you cannot hear, cannot see, and cannot touch? To me, it seemed like you had to become insane to believe you have a relationship with Him.
To know Jesus personally, I found I had to assume that I was truly saved, no matter how I felt.  I read the Bible every day, which I had to believe rather than my feelings.   I remembered Jesus said I was “born again.” Like a newborn baby, I did not know how to talk to Jesus. I could only cry when I felt a need.
I grew, as a baby grows to be a child, to understand more of the Bible.  I memorized verses which came to mind when needed. On occasion, three of things caught my attention.
            Remember Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Psalm 26 (in my words)

Psalm 26 (in my words)

1) Tell me if I am wrong, O Lord, but I have been completely using the things You have taught me. I trust You, so I will not be in slippery places like the rich.

2) Look me over Lord, and test me. See if I turn when You say to turn, like a horse follows the lead of the reins. See if my heart responds too.

3) I cannot believe how kind and loving You have been to me. I can picture Your lovingkindness in my paths even now.

4) I do not sit with people who cannot think of anything but fashion and what to buy. That includes those who run people down for the way they look.

5) I hate seeing the gathering of people who call “good”, “evil” and “evil”, “good”. I will not spend time with pro-choice planners.

6) I clean myself with the washing of the water of Your Word so that I will be innocent when I make my request of you.

7) That way, I can publicly announce my thanks to You and testify to all the ways You have worked in me.

8) I love being in church as much as being at home. You have a place of honor there.

9) Do not count me as a sinner, nor round me up with the men who have shed blood.

10) These men do mischief with their hands and their main effort is to bribe judges.

11) But as for me, I will continue to use the things I have learned from You. Thank You that Jesus bought me by his death on the cross.

12) I am in a flat plain now, so I can bless the Lord with the congregation of His own.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Psalms 36 (in my words)

Photo by Levi Saunders on Unsplash

The atheist says “There is no God” so he won’t be afraid.
His pride makes him brag about himself until no one can stand to be around him.
He sees nothing wrong with saying words that lie to take advantage of others.
He thinks he can be good without God, but he is no longer wise or good.
He thinks up ways to irritate his enemies without getting caught.
He is setting himself in a way that no one will want his company.
He sees nothing wrong with people doing what is right in their own eyes.
There is no end to Your mercy and faithfulness. It reaches from earth to outer space.
You never waver from doing right like the mountains stand firm; Your judgments go beyond our understanding. In it all, O Lord, You keep alive man and beast.
How perfect in all aspects is Your lovingkindness. O God that is why children of men are able to trust You like chicks running under a hen’s wing.
They are able to be abundantly satisfied with Your generosity. It’s like getting pleasure from using a clear river for drinking, for watering crops, and bathing.
You are the never ending source of life.  We use Your light to help us to see.
Please continue to practice lovingkindness and righteousness to those who know You and who stand up for the truth.
Don’t let my pride hurt me.  Don’t let the wicked move me.
The workers of iniquity fall, even being cast down. They are fallen and can’t get up by themselves.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The New Year Is Like a Gift

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
The new year is like a gift. You never know what to expect. It can be appreciated and used. Or it can become  ordinary or put on shelf to forget about it.

Happy New Year!