Friday, January 18, 2019

Statutes, Precepts, and Commandments

   Psalms 119 talks a lot about statutes, precepts, and commandments. I believe God has shown me a down-to-earth way of thinking of them. The laws of physics are unbreakable. If you ever drove a car too fast around a corner, you will feel the law of physics. Just as you cannot stop gravity or light waves; you cannot stop God's love or judgment on sinners.
     Precepts are the ways in which God puts the laws together to get His work done. This compares to a car. The firing of the pistons does not violate the laws of physics. It takes Christian maturity to be observant enough to recognize precepts happening. One I can think of is the power of praise controlling my thoughts. 
     Commandments are like driving the car. The driver does not need to know how the laws of physics work. They do need to know enough to turn the key and how to use the brake, accelerator, and gear shift. The person uses the car for a reason.  God has a purpose for the commandments He gives and the road map to get there.
     Testimones come after the driver gets out of the car. Magazines give reviews of cars. Christians who obeyed talk about God working with them or through them. Christians who did not obey can still talk about the lessons they learned.


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