Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Comfort Word Study, Part 2
According to 1 Corinthians 14:31, prophesy is for learning and comfort. Learning God's word reminds us that just speaking God's promises bring comfort. We often think of comfort as in comforting a family that has lost a loved one. But it is for more than that. When a job offer falls through or someone in the family has hurt a person's feelings, it is important we know how to comfort them too. Remind that person or family of God's blessings to their loved one, that God has a plan for our life to the person looking for a job, and remind the hurt one that forgiveness brings its own comfort and hope for the future.
God has commands for us concerning comfort. 1 Thes 4:16-18 says we should comfort each other with words about Jesus' return and that we will ever be with the Lord. 1 Thes 5:14 says (among other commands) to "comfort the feeble minded". When you are hurting, it is hard to think straight. I would expect the feeble minded to be confused and forgetful. You can say verses that they would not be able to say themselves.
It is also good to get together to comfort each other, that "all may be comforted." (1 Thes 5:11). We need to remember Isa 61:3 where God exchanges oil of joy for mourning, beauty for ashes, and garments of praise for heaviness.
Comfort can be refused. The comforters that King David sent were treated badly. The Psalmist says in Psalms 77:2, "my soul refused to be comforted. " Jeremiah 31:15 says Rachel refused to be comforted for her children who died. It is up to the person to accept comforting.
2 Corinthian 1:3 says God is the "the God of all comfort" and don't forget that Jesus has sent the Comforter after he arose. That is why we can comfort those around us in the same way God has comforted us. I like 94:19 which says "my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul." I think those "comforts" are Bible verses. If you have them memorized, they will be there ready to be used.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Comfort Word Study
This is a word study about the word "comfort". I find when I do study with a KJV Bible and a concordance, that I find different ways of looking at the same thing and that the Bible has it worded a little different each time.
When I start a word study, I go to the dictionary first. I used Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, G & C Merriam Co., Springfield, MO, 1965. I find that if I use a dictionary this old, it has more of the old terms and definitions from the Bible.
"Comfort" can be a noun (a thing) or a verb (action). As a noun it can be a strengthening aid with synonyms of assistance and support. It can be consolation in trouble or worry and a state of feeling relief or encouragement. As a verb, it means to give strength and hope, to ease grief or trouble and to make the sense of loss less severe or less painful.
Several verses were about God's attitude toward us. They are encouraging to me in that respect.
Psalms 23:4 "thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". The Psalmist sees these as providing for his physical needs. I think it could also indicate spiritual needs. Heb 12:8 says that if we aren't chastened, we are bastards rather than sons. The chastening yields "the peaceable fruit of righteousness". (Hebrews 12:11). It should be comforting to be kept on the right path.
Ps 119:76 "Let, I pray Thee, they merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant." When you show someone comfort, it also shows kindness. Coming from God it also becomes merciful, because we are sinners and do not deserve it.
Isaiah 51:12 "I, even I, am He that comforts you."We are reminded that God is the original source of comforting. This is backed up by 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 where Paul describes the "God of all comfort" and who comforts us in all our tribulation".
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 God is source of all comfort. Comfort originates with God toward us in tribulation. We are to pass on the comfort we have received to others, probably including Bible verses.
2 Corinthians 7:6-7, God comforts those that are cast down. Paul was comforted by the coming of Titus and with the consolation he was comforted.
1 Thessalonians 2:11 God comforts us like a father comforts his children.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 We are to comfort our hearts with God's everlasting consolation and good hope. Jesus establishes us in every good word and work.
When I start a word study, I go to the dictionary first. I used Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, G & C Merriam Co., Springfield, MO, 1965. I find that if I use a dictionary this old, it has more of the old terms and definitions from the Bible.
"Comfort" can be a noun (a thing) or a verb (action). As a noun it can be a strengthening aid with synonyms of assistance and support. It can be consolation in trouble or worry and a state of feeling relief or encouragement. As a verb, it means to give strength and hope, to ease grief or trouble and to make the sense of loss less severe or less painful.
Several verses were about God's attitude toward us. They are encouraging to me in that respect.
Psalms 23:4 "thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". The Psalmist sees these as providing for his physical needs. I think it could also indicate spiritual needs. Heb 12:8 says that if we aren't chastened, we are bastards rather than sons. The chastening yields "the peaceable fruit of righteousness". (Hebrews 12:11). It should be comforting to be kept on the right path.
Ps 119:76 "Let, I pray Thee, they merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant." When you show someone comfort, it also shows kindness. Coming from God it also becomes merciful, because we are sinners and do not deserve it.
Isaiah 51:12 "I, even I, am He that comforts you."We are reminded that God is the original source of comforting. This is backed up by 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 where Paul describes the "God of all comfort" and who comforts us in all our tribulation".
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 God is source of all comfort. Comfort originates with God toward us in tribulation. We are to pass on the comfort we have received to others, probably including Bible verses.
2 Corinthians 7:6-7, God comforts those that are cast down. Paul was comforted by the coming of Titus and with the consolation he was comforted.
1 Thessalonians 2:11 God comforts us like a father comforts his children.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 We are to comfort our hearts with God's everlasting consolation and good hope. Jesus establishes us in every good word and work.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Making Good Decisions
My cats seem to have trouble making decisions. When I open the door for them to go out, they stall, worried about what is out there. When I put a treat for them, they smell and lick it before eating. And where they knead their claws is not where they necessarily sleep. If a new person comes or the vacuum cleaner is too noisy, the decision is easy: run and hide.
Decisions I make seem to fall into those same categories: put off making the decision, get some more information to make the decision on or try to get out of making any decision at all. Some are spiritual decisions. If I tithe, will I have enough money for the coming week? If I tell my co-worker about Jesus, will he take it wrong and be pushed harder away from God?
Maybe the cats have the right idea, just in the wrong order. We should run to God and trust in the shelter of His wings. Then for the decision get more information and take time to consider the common sense aspects of the situation. When we run to God first for help and advice, we can trust that whatever decision we make will be controlled by God.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
God Likes Details
Doing a knitted lace shawl for the first time was a challenge. The instructions were in chart form when I was used to written instructions. I knew what the stitch symbols on the chart meant.
I started off good, but the stitch count was wrong. I couldn't find where I was getting off and I kept losing my place on the chart. I ripped it out time and time again. I was getting more and more frustrated. I finally gave up and asked God for help. Immediately my eyes quit jumping around and I could keep my place in the row.
The next night, I started having the same problem again, jumpy eyes and wrong stitch count. I don't know how long I worked on it, but I finally asked God for help. He pointed out to me how much time I had spent on the shawl as compared to how much time I spent in the Bible with Him. I was ashamed and asked for forgiveness and eventually completed the shawl.
I was thinking it was too small and not urgent to ask God for help. We are to acknowledge Him in all things (Prov 3:6, KJV). And if He has our hairs numbered, you know He likes details. We need to come to Him daily and not leave Him as the last resort.
Friday, September 5, 2014
What Can You Do for God
Obeying the ten commandments is a good place to start, but it cannot take the place of salvation through Jesus. The Israelites could not keep them, and neither can we. Do not confuse salvation by works with obeying.
There are things we can do that will affect us and our attitudes.
One is sacrifice. Jesus said "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." (Matt 16:24, KJV). It starts with small sacrifices: don't add sugar to your cereal, and start the day with Bible reading before you begin the work for the day. Taking up the cross and follow me require more effort. Go against your attitude and say nice things to the co-worker you can't stand and follow Jesus example to pray for them.
Giving thanksgiving will take a cut into your pride, but God appreciates it. Doing so brings blessings. The tenth leper that was healed gave thanks, and Jesus told him that "your faith has made thee whole."(Luke 17:12-19, KJV)
Ps 50:13 says "Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, the LORD be magnified." (KJV) What does a magnifier do? It makes things look bigger and where you can appreciate it more. To magnify the Lord, we can tell others about what God has done for us. We will be shining a light on God for who He is and what He can do. It will help people make God seem bigger and appreciate Him more.
Doing these things will bring you into a closer relationship to God. As you go along, it will become easier and easier to do. Then you can declare with John that His commandments are not grievous
(I John 5:3, KJV).
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Shadow and Image
Heb 10:1a For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things.
Shadows don't tell you much about the object throwing the shadow. Depending on distance from and the angle of the light, it can be either small or big. The shadow blends into the surroundings at dusk and at night. As for what the object looks like, you can't usually tell its parts.
The Bible says the law is a shadow of heavenly things. The law tells us right from wrong, but it does not tell what to do in a specific situation where there are many choices. The law talks about praise offerings, but it doesn't tell us what songs we'll be singing in heaven.
What we do see is like a painting by an artist. In a landscape, features are left out because the land is just too big to include everything. The tree in the painting may be just a brush stroke, but it isn't the exact image of leaves.
Just as the picture is not the exact image of the land, the law is not the exact image of what it is like in heaven. Jesus added some details when he said to love our enemies and the thought of lust is the same as doing it.
We are only getting a glimpse into the plan God has for us. When we see answered prayer (especially several at one time), we are getting a peek into God's will in heaven.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
What To Do With Frustration

1 Tim. 2:8 "without wrath and doubting" (KJV)
Lately it seems like I've been frustrated a lot. We need a second car and the ones we have looked at were several thousand dollars with over 100,000 miles. We have a water leak we couldn't find and we couldn't get a plumber to call us back or come out for an estimate. My daughter's a mechanic and she got frustrated at trying to put on four springs all at once for the brakes. She had to walk away from it for a time.
Anger easily follows. Are car dealers being greedy? Are plumbers jerks because they won't call back? Was someone overpaid because they couldn't design it better?
We have been praying for these things for a long time and it seems things are not getting better. It is very easy at these times to think of God as being unfaithful. There are plenty of people in the Bible that were frustrated too. Abraham "staggered not" in his faith for a child. (Heb 4:20, KJV). Hannah, Samuel's mother, was frustrated by being barren, which in turn made her husband frustrated. (1 Sam 1:8) King David expresses his frustrations in the Psalms.
I prayed for Brenda. She calmed down and got the job done. Hannah prayed and she gave birth to Samuel. Abraham talked to God and got his promise of a son. Psalms is a mixture of emotions, but always ends up with praise for God.
The only thing I know what to do for frustration is to pray, claim verses about God's faithfulness, and know that it is important to believe the Bible rather than your feelings.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Right Tools for the Job
Have you ever tried to open a can with your teeth? Of course not. You need the right tool, namely a can opener. Verses in the Bible cover any situation that arises. The catch is Jesus is who needs to be the one to choose the tool/verse.
The right verse to claim for someone who is tired and overwhelmed by problems might be Isa. 50:4 "I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary." (KJV) The verse that meant a lot to me when I was saved, was John 6:37 "him that comes to me, I will in no wise cast out." (KJV) For someone like me who was always chosen last for games, this verse sounded pretty good to me. The man with palsy that was lowered through the roof needed to hear his sins were forgiven, before being healed. (Mark 2:1-12)The right verse is like finding the right tool for the job. It is a temptation to use a verse about not stealing to a man in jail, but that is not necessarily what he needs to hear. He may actually need to first hear John 3:16 that God loves him before he is able to receive other verses.
Spending time in the Bible daily keeps the verses fresh in your mind where Jesus can use them. Luke 21:15 says "For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist." (KJV) This is a verse that not only covers the verse to say but also the words.
Monday, August 4, 2014
God's Children
Many people do not like the idea that not all people are the children of God. But that's what the Bible says in Roman 9:8, KJV. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for seed. Jesus said Satan is the father of liars. (John 8:44).
Good news! We don't have to depend on our works to go to heaven. Jesus has done it all. He took our punishment (Heb 10:12) . He made peace between God and man (Eph. 2:8-9). If we believe Jesus has died for our sins and rose again from the grave, we become the children of God. (John 1:12-13).
Jesus is the only way. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12, KJV.
Paul uses the example of grafting a wild olive branch onto a good olive tree (Romans 11:17). An example I like better is adoption in Gal. 4:5, KJV To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. With forgiveness of sin, comes all the blessings of being a son. We have a close enough relationship with God the Father to call him Daddy (which is what Abba means). We are joint heirs with Christ. (Rom 8:17). We are His workmanship. (Eph 2:10).
Don't take my word for it. Check it all out in the Bible for yourself.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Purified Words
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver is tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Ps 12:6, KJV

Does anyone remember who Kirk Douglas and Jimmy Stewart are? I'm old enough to remember, but how about the 20 something year-olds? Or who remembers who was famous during the silent movie era or their movies' plots?
Movies get old with a little bit of time. Unlike the movies, the Bible is several thousand years old and still going strong. It has been there for preceding generations and will be there for the future generations. Jesus promised that his words would not pass away even though heaven and earth will. (Matt 24:35)
You can't even get rid of the Bible. It's not because people haven't tried. There was a king who threw the scroll that Jeremiah had written on the fire. (Jer. 36:23) Modern countries have tried to ban, confiscate, and burn Bibles, but the purified Word of God lives on. It still tells right from wrong and more importantly about the plan of salvation. Even though we are but dust, we can claim everlasting life if we confess our sins, ask God for forgiveness, and believe Jesus is our salvation.
Ps 12:6, KJV
Does anyone remember who Kirk Douglas and Jimmy Stewart are? I'm old enough to remember, but how about the 20 something year-olds? Or who remembers who was famous during the silent movie era or their movies' plots?
Movies get old with a little bit of time. Unlike the movies, the Bible is several thousand years old and still going strong. It has been there for preceding generations and will be there for the future generations. Jesus promised that his words would not pass away even though heaven and earth will. (Matt 24:35)
You can't even get rid of the Bible. It's not because people haven't tried. There was a king who threw the scroll that Jeremiah had written on the fire. (Jer. 36:23) Modern countries have tried to ban, confiscate, and burn Bibles, but the purified Word of God lives on. It still tells right from wrong and more importantly about the plan of salvation. Even though we are but dust, we can claim everlasting life if we confess our sins, ask God for forgiveness, and believe Jesus is our salvation.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Praying Out Loud
Isa. 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (KJV)
Staying asleep is a problem for many elderly people. The lady I was taking care of was no exception. She needed round the clock care in her home. I was on the night shift, so I got to see a lot of her sleepless nights.
One night I wanted to pray for her. The thought came that I should pray out loud for her. I shrunk from that idea. I didn't like to pray out loud. I didn't know how she would take it. I fought doing it. I just wanted to claim a verse and let God do the rest. I felt God told me that I was claiming verses to make Him do what I wanted. He would do something just because I asked. The burden to pray out loud strengthened. Not only was I going to have to pray out loud, I was going to have to do it without a verse. I had to choose to obey this command.
I went to her and held her hand. I prayed out loud that she would be peaceful and get a good night's sleep. A verse came to mind and I ended with that. I don't remember any more what verse I used, but Isa. 26:3 would be appropriate. I put her back to bed. She didn't wake up the rest of the night.
The next day I talked to one of her friends. My lady told the friend that she had had the best sleep she ever had.
Staying asleep is a problem for many elderly people. The lady I was taking care of was no exception. She needed round the clock care in her home. I was on the night shift, so I got to see a lot of her sleepless nights.
One night I wanted to pray for her. The thought came that I should pray out loud for her. I shrunk from that idea. I didn't like to pray out loud. I didn't know how she would take it. I fought doing it. I just wanted to claim a verse and let God do the rest. I felt God told me that I was claiming verses to make Him do what I wanted. He would do something just because I asked. The burden to pray out loud strengthened. Not only was I going to have to pray out loud, I was going to have to do it without a verse. I had to choose to obey this command.
I went to her and held her hand. I prayed out loud that she would be peaceful and get a good night's sleep. A verse came to mind and I ended with that. I don't remember any more what verse I used, but Isa. 26:3 would be appropriate. I put her back to bed. She didn't wake up the rest of the night.
The next day I talked to one of her friends. My lady told the friend that she had had the best sleep she ever had.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Teaching at VBS
I don't think I am very good with children, but I volunteered to help with Vacation Bible School (VBS). I thought I'd be on the snack detail.
Instead they put me with kindergarten and first grade. I had fear of what to do with the children, but at least the class was big enough to have two more teachers. All I could do was trust that God had me there for a reason.
In the class, there was a restless boy that was always causing trouble. The other teacher came up to me and said, "I can't take it with him anymore." She wanted me to help. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to sit next to him and listen. He explained his drawing to me. He ate up my attention like a starving man. Another child came over for help with a memory verse, and my restless boy wouldn't let me help the other child. Later, he rejoined the group who were coloring pictures.
In a little while, a teacher brought a crying 2 1/2 or 3 year old child. She was crying because she wasn't able to memorize a verse to get a toy. The other teacher, probably in her late teens, didn't know what to do with her, so she gave me the girl to hold. I tried to talk to her, but she was too busy crying. I rocked and rocked and rocked her. The woman who was in charge of VBS came with a puppet and was able get the little girl to quit crying.
On the last night, there was a program for the parents and grandparents. The restless boy had to stand still with his class. I could see how hard it was for him. Like a cheerleader, I watched him, hoping he'd hold out.
Fortunately the song had actions to it and he did a good job. Afterward, I got on his level and told what a good job he did.
This was one of the first times I felt God was using me. It was an encouragement to have His approval.
Monday, July 14, 2014
His going forth is from the end of the heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Psalms 19:6, KJV
It is comforting to know the sun will rise and set like usual. It is predictable and mankind can make plans.
The circuits and returns are awe inspiring to men. A person has trouble putting it into words. The psalmist described creation as having a voice and speech that can be heard around the world.
Part of the circuit is that it returns where it came from. In modern times, returns have a bad connotation like returning a defective item to the store. But the return can be good or bad: wishing someone "many happy returns" or the letter is returned because of a wrong address.
A circuit and its return is simply a path, like brushing teeth. You brush your teeth before going to bed. And you return to do it again the next morning and the next.
A growing Christian will create a circuit and return by reading the Bible in the morning, and praying at the end of the day. This time is needed for renewing the inward man. (2 Cor. 4:16, KJV) and prepares him for the day: maybe a requested verse to comfort someone who lost a husband., receive strength and patience to deal with children or elderly parents, or wisdom to make wise decisions. You aren't going to have these if you don't take time to complete the circuit and return between God and man.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Dissembling and Deceit
No wonder the Bible has so much to say about the trouble mouth and lips can cause. When you gossip, you are dissembling someone's reputation. True or not it cannot be taken back.
It is especially damaging to children to hear themselves being put down and their project and work criticized.
It doesn't stop there. The second half of the verse says "and lays up deceit within him."
The person's heart can become hardened from deceit (Heb 3:13) Deceit is defined as cause to believe an untruth or a device to deceive. When he lies to himself, he says things like, "Abortion is a woman's right to do with her body what she wants." He makes excuses or assumptions to justify buying a want rather than a need. The heart becomes hardened to people's needs with the excuse "they should have done this" or "they could have done that". Assumptions and excuses can cover up sin, like deciding to "borrow" money, which is in reality embezzling.
But there is hope for us. Ps 119:29 says "Remove from me the way of lying; and grant me thy law graciously." The Psalmist is asking God to point out his deceit and replace it with God's law. Heb 3:13 says "But exhort one another daily; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." Encouraging each other daily and cooperating with God about areas that need work will prevent us from lying to ourselves and becoming hardened to others' need.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Behold, All Things Are Become New
2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
When I think of all my bad habits, I get discouraged. I knit or crochet rather than clean house. I put off washing dishes. I'm not as friendly as I should be because I will be ashamed if I can't remember their name.
The Bible promises that if we are in Christ, we are a new creature. It is comforting to think that my old habits that have caused so many problems are now old things that have passed away.
But it doesn't happen all at once. We are only given a down payment on our righteousness (2 Cor. 5:5). But it is encouraging to see it happen at all.
Experiencing Jesus' righteousness as your own is like losing a tooth. When feeling for old thoughts, attitudes, and feelings, they simply aren't there. They still exist, if kept and claimed, but it is no longer a part of you. And like a growing child who has lost its tooth, new and better thoughts, attitudes, and desires take its place.
When I think of all my bad habits, I get discouraged. I knit or crochet rather than clean house. I put off washing dishes. I'm not as friendly as I should be because I will be ashamed if I can't remember their name.
The Bible promises that if we are in Christ, we are a new creature. It is comforting to think that my old habits that have caused so many problems are now old things that have passed away.
But it doesn't happen all at once. We are only given a down payment on our righteousness (2 Cor. 5:5). But it is encouraging to see it happen at all.
Experiencing Jesus' righteousness as your own is like losing a tooth. When feeling for old thoughts, attitudes, and feelings, they simply aren't there. They still exist, if kept and claimed, but it is no longer a part of you. And like a growing child who has lost its tooth, new and better thoughts, attitudes, and desires take its place.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Parable of the Sower and the Seed
The parable of the sower sowing seed follows through in more than one symbol. The land needs to prepared like John the Baptist did for Jesus. Each seed could be a verse. The wind that makes plant wave in the wind cannot be seen, just as we can only see the effects of the Holy Spirit.
I'm sure that over time, the sower sowed more than the one time. I've been through all the grounds mentioned. When I was a child, I ignored a lot of verses I heard (the hard ground). The second sowing was understanding the message and agreeing to it, but I didn't stick with what I had learned. The third time, I tried to follow the Bible, but I kept being side tracked with cares and things I wanted to do. I am hopeful that now I am in good ground phase. I hope and see signs that I am fruitful.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Understanding into Action
Jesus put understanding into action. Like his temptation. He knew the Bible well enough to know to use scripture to defeat temptation, even though he didn't site its reference. (Matt 4:1-11).
Jesus didn't keep his understanding of the holy to himself. He put his knowledge of the holy into action by teaching multitudes what they needed to hear in parables. He gave the Good Samaritan story to illustrate new ideas about attitudes we should have.
Jesus's understanding goes beyond human experience. He walked on water and stilled the sea and we can only believe it because the Bible tells us so.
In spite of all his knowledge and understanding, he came to earth in human form so we could have a mediator who was tempted as we are, yet without sin and so we could come to the throne of grace to find mercy and grace in time of need. (Heb 4:15-16)
Jesus didn't keep his understanding of the holy to himself. He put his knowledge of the holy into action by teaching multitudes what they needed to hear in parables. He gave the Good Samaritan story to illustrate new ideas about attitudes we should have.
Jesus's understanding goes beyond human experience. He walked on water and stilled the sea and we can only believe it because the Bible tells us so.
In spite of all his knowledge and understanding, he came to earth in human form so we could have a mediator who was tempted as we are, yet without sin and so we could come to the throne of grace to find mercy and grace in time of need. (Heb 4:15-16)
Saturday, June 14, 2014
How to Get Understanding
If understanding is knowledge of the holy (Prov 9:10) and that wisdom goes with understanding (Prov 14:33), then the question becomes "How do I get understanding?"
Simple. You ask for it.
God didn't just say to ask for it once. He said "give me understanding" five times in Psalms 119 (verses 34, 73, 125, 144, 169). If you count asking for wisdom as being like asking for understanding, then there are more verses. Jesus said to ask and it would be given to you (Matt 7:7); James says God will not get mad if you ask for wisdom (James 1:5); Wisdom herself is asking to be listened to.
Each of those verses in Ps 119 comes with a reason to ask for wisdom. Verse 34 says "I shall keep thy law". Verse 73 says "that I may learn thy commandments". Verse 125 says "that I may know thy testimonies" (I would like to suggest recognize thy testimonies). Verse 144 says "I shall live". Verse 169 says "give me understanding according to thy word."
Let's face it. God likes being asked.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The Key to Understanding
I wrote an object lesson about bread. In it I talked about all the ways bread could be used and compared it to how the Bible is useful for instruction, correction, and many other things. That is kind of like a parable.
To help us understand, Jesus spoke in parables. Luke 4:34 says, "without a parable spake he not unto them". He wanted to make sure he got his point across. The best way was to tell short stories of things they were familiar with. He told the disciples, "that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."(Luke 8:10). The explaining of the Bible did not stop after the resurrection. Luke 24:45 says about the disciples, " Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures". John summed it up for us in 1 John 5:20, "And we know that the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding that we know him that is true, and we are in him."
To help us understand, Jesus spoke in parables. Luke 4:34 says, "without a parable spake he not unto them". He wanted to make sure he got his point across. The best way was to tell short stories of things they were familiar with. He told the disciples, "that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand."(Luke 8:10). The explaining of the Bible did not stop after the resurrection. Luke 24:45 says about the disciples, " Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures". John summed it up for us in 1 John 5:20, "And we know that the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding that we know him that is true, and we are in him."
Monday, June 9, 2014
"Understanding" in the Bible
When I think of the word "understanding", I think of how-to. A mechanic understands how to fix a car. A beautician understands how to give a haircut. A plumber knows how to repair a toilet.
Sometimes when I read the Bible, I come across the word "understanding". I ask myself, "Understand what?"
I have found a verse that helps me. Prov 9:10 says "knowledge of the holy is understanding". Some verses make more sense by simply substituting the phrase "knowledge of the holy" for "understanding".
For example, we are given knowledge of the holy in all things (2 Tim. 2:7) Temple officials were astonished by Jesus' knowledge of the holy, (Luke 2:47). We are commanded to go in the way of knowledge of the holy, (Prov 9:6).
"Wisdom rests in the heart of him that has understanding" (Prov 14:3). Understanding the how-to of knowledge of the holy is as simple as following the ten commandents. Jesus' commandments are based on them. Way back in Ezekiel, God promised to give a new heart and a new spirit so we could walk in His statutes (Eze. 36:26-27)
Sometimes when I read the Bible, I come across the word "understanding". I ask myself, "Understand what?"
I have found a verse that helps me. Prov 9:10 says "knowledge of the holy is understanding". Some verses make more sense by simply substituting the phrase "knowledge of the holy" for "understanding".
For example, we are given knowledge of the holy in all things (2 Tim. 2:7) Temple officials were astonished by Jesus' knowledge of the holy, (Luke 2:47). We are commanded to go in the way of knowledge of the holy, (Prov 9:6).
"Wisdom rests in the heart of him that has understanding" (Prov 14:3). Understanding the how-to of knowledge of the holy is as simple as following the ten commandents. Jesus' commandments are based on them. Way back in Ezekiel, God promised to give a new heart and a new spirit so we could walk in His statutes (Eze. 36:26-27)
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Trusting Releases Faith
I've been getting frustrated that I need a second car, but can't afford any under 125,000 miles. It's easy to think up reasons why things will be worse if I don't get one. I will not be able to go to doctor appointments because my daughter has the car. My daughter and I will be carless if the one vehicle we have breaks down. How will she get to work?
I asked a missionary I know how he dealt with these kinds of fear. He said, "I have learned to have no fear." In fact, he saw problems as a challenge. He was excited by the opportunity to see how God would work out his problem.
That's a tremendous amount of trust. Slowly I am learning to pray, leave things in God's hands, then forge ahead with my best guess as to what to do.
Thought for the day: Trust is like when a child hands a wounded puppy into the hands of a veterinarian.
I asked a missionary I know how he dealt with these kinds of fear. He said, "I have learned to have no fear." In fact, he saw problems as a challenge. He was excited by the opportunity to see how God would work out his problem.
That's a tremendous amount of trust. Slowly I am learning to pray, leave things in God's hands, then forge ahead with my best guess as to what to do.
Thought for the day: Trust is like when a child hands a wounded puppy into the hands of a veterinarian.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
What Does Wisdom Cry?
What Does Wisdom Cry?
For a long time, I was amazed that King David could come up with all those psalms. He didn’t have all the prophets’ writing nor Solomon’s Proverbs. Nor Jesus’ parables. Mostly what he would have had is the mosaic law and all its rules, regulations, and sacrifices. Did he just meditate on those things to get his wisdom?
Proverbs describes wisdom as crying (Prov 8:1) in the top of high places, by the paths (Prov 8:2), at the gates, at the entry of the city, and at the doors (Prov 8:3). These are public places, good places to get people’s attention. Was King David seeing what Wisdom was seeing?
He could have heard cussing using God’s name in vain because the seller’s wares were dropped and scattered. Or a child could lie to his mother about taking his sister’s toy. Or maybe a rich person rode by to watch people’s faces as they coveted his money and possessions.
But then again, maybe he saw a son helping his mother go to a doctor. Or how about a vendor giving a boy a second roll when he saw the boy stealing one? Maybe a husband threw his wife’s carved idol in the fire.
He would have seen the ten commandments both obeyed and disregarded and learned wisdom from it.
There are two ways to get wisdom. Either you learn from observing someone else, or you learn from experience.
© April 2014 by Bonnie Clarkson
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Knowledge of the Holy is Understanding
Prov 9:10, KJV says "that knowledge of the holy is understanding." We understand that God is holy and that knowledge of the ten commandments will help us to be holy. Knowing what is holy and what isn't will help us make good choices.
Ps 49:20, KJV says "man with honor but no understanding is like a beast." Show animals have a lot of honor, but no understanding of what the honor should mean to them. It doesn't matter to them if they win or lose. Trained animals also have no understanding about their honor beyond the immediate reward of food.
A lawyer or doctor may have honor in his field, but if he has no knowledge of the holy, he has no understanding and therefore is no better than a beast.
Ps 49:20, KJV says "man with honor but no understanding is like a beast." Show animals have a lot of honor, but no understanding of what the honor should mean to them. It doesn't matter to them if they win or lose. Trained animals also have no understanding about their honor beyond the immediate reward of food.
A lawyer or doctor may have honor in his field, but if he has no knowledge of the holy, he has no understanding and therefore is no better than a beast.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Plan for a Plan
Psalm 10:17, KJV Lord, thou has heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause the ear to hear.
No matter what you do, whether it is a recipe or a woodworking project, you pick something you want to make. Then you go over the plan and get all its ingredients and tools. After you made it, you evaulate it to see if it can be done better next time.
This verse is the plan for an idea or vision you have for the church. The verse says "desire of the humble". This is the idea stage. Start by talking to God about the idea or vision. A concordance for looking up scriptures that addresses the subject is helpful. God hears our prayer, so tell him your desire humbly, not commanding Him.
"Prepare their heart" is for getting together want you need and doing it. Let's say you have an idea for a Christmas play. Now is the time for gathering and making what you need to complete your idea or project. Do you have enough money to carry it through? Find people good at making a stage for a Christmas play, or find people who are carpenters. Someone who is good at singing may be needed for part of the Christmas program. Allow enough time to meet around people's schedule.
Lastly, you need to spend some time evaluating your idea. This is where "cause the ear to hear" comes in. Pray for discernment to honestly evaluate your idea or project. Were there problems that you never accounted for? Did everyone have a chance to get involved? What do people remember about it?
Write down ideas for future events.
God is not the author of confusion. (I Cor 14:33, KJV) He planned the making of the world and saving the world through Jesus in an orderly manner. We can do the same if we will listen to what He is causing us to hear.
No matter what you do, whether it is a recipe or a woodworking project, you pick something you want to make. Then you go over the plan and get all its ingredients and tools. After you made it, you evaulate it to see if it can be done better next time.
This verse is the plan for an idea or vision you have for the church. The verse says "desire of the humble". This is the idea stage. Start by talking to God about the idea or vision. A concordance for looking up scriptures that addresses the subject is helpful. God hears our prayer, so tell him your desire humbly, not commanding Him.
"Prepare their heart" is for getting together want you need and doing it. Let's say you have an idea for a Christmas play. Now is the time for gathering and making what you need to complete your idea or project. Do you have enough money to carry it through? Find people good at making a stage for a Christmas play, or find people who are carpenters. Someone who is good at singing may be needed for part of the Christmas program. Allow enough time to meet around people's schedule.
Lastly, you need to spend some time evaluating your idea. This is where "cause the ear to hear" comes in. Pray for discernment to honestly evaluate your idea or project. Were there problems that you never accounted for? Did everyone have a chance to get involved? What do people remember about it?
Write down ideas for future events.
God is not the author of confusion. (I Cor 14:33, KJV) He planned the making of the world and saving the world through Jesus in an orderly manner. We can do the same if we will listen to what He is causing us to hear.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Use Your Dictionary
I find a dictionary helpful when studying the Bible. When two words sound like they have similar meaning, I look them up. I use Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, published by G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Mass. 1965
Abide--to accept without objection, to remain stable or fixed in a state, to continue in a place.
Rest--freedom from activity, to cease from action or motion
To me, "abide" means to choose to stay where you are. "Rest" means to choose to cease from activity. We abide in Jesus the vine and in God's hands, but we won't have complete rest until we get to heaven.
Sin--an offense against God, transgression of the law of God, to commit an offense or fault.
Iniquity--gross injustice.
Transgression--to violate a command or law.
To me, "iniquity" is choosing to do something completely unfair to someone else, like a con man lying to a person to steal money from them.
"Transgression" is what you might call a "dead end" sin. Like driving over the speed limit. It may not even be intentional, but no one cares enough to sort out the truth of it.
"Sin" covers both "iniquity" and "transgression".
Prophecy--an inspired utterance of a prophet, declaration of something to come, prediction.
Prophesy--to speak as if divinely inspired to give instruction in religious matters, to make a prediciton.
The difference between these, is "prophecy" is a noun and "prophesy" is a verb. Prophets not only spoke predictions, but also pointed out things that were still happening, like idol worship.
Here are some more words worth looking up:
Abide--to accept without objection, to remain stable or fixed in a state, to continue in a place.
Rest--freedom from activity, to cease from action or motion
To me, "abide" means to choose to stay where you are. "Rest" means to choose to cease from activity. We abide in Jesus the vine and in God's hands, but we won't have complete rest until we get to heaven.
Sin--an offense against God, transgression of the law of God, to commit an offense or fault.
Iniquity--gross injustice.
Transgression--to violate a command or law.
To me, "iniquity" is choosing to do something completely unfair to someone else, like a con man lying to a person to steal money from them.
"Transgression" is what you might call a "dead end" sin. Like driving over the speed limit. It may not even be intentional, but no one cares enough to sort out the truth of it.
"Sin" covers both "iniquity" and "transgression".
Prophecy--an inspired utterance of a prophet, declaration of something to come, prediction.
Prophesy--to speak as if divinely inspired to give instruction in religious matters, to make a prediciton.
The difference between these, is "prophecy" is a noun and "prophesy" is a verb. Prophets not only spoke predictions, but also pointed out things that were still happening, like idol worship.
Here are some more words worth looking up:
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Ps 139 in My Words
This is a peek into how I write.
Ps 139 caught my attention and I read it several times.
I started noticing who was being talked about and that the Psalm broke into 5 sections.
Verses 1-6 were about the Psalmist extolling that God knew him.
Ver 7-12 are about extolling God’s presence
Ver 13-18 are about both the author and God. It is the interaction about His greatness and the author’s role in life.
Ver 19-22 is about the author. He is talking about his reaction to men that are God’s enemies.
Ver 23-24 is back to both God and author. The author is asking one last time to tell him and see if his attitude is right.
1) You understand my reasoning
You know my routine for each day
You touch my emotions with healing
You cannot be shocked by anything I say or do
2) You are in front, in back, and right beside me
Where can I escape Your presence?
If I take an airplane trip, You are there.
If I go into a cave, You are there.
If I went to the ocean depths, even there Your hands shall lead and hold me.
If I craw under the covers and pretend You aren’t there, You know where I am and what I am thinking.
3) You are the driver of my car.
Before that, You made me during my mother’s pregnancy.
I will praise You for You are the great Creator.
There never was a time when I was hidden from You.
Even in the womb, you made me in orderly steps.
Your thoughts to me are for good, not evil.
How can I tell you how precious Your thoughts to me are?
4) God, You have been so much on my side that I want to take Your side.
I will not associate with those that take Your name in vain and willfully sin.
I ask you God: Do I not hate those that took prayer and the Bible out of schools?
Am I not burdened by those who take the Ten Commandments out of halls of justice?
5) Lord I need to know if my attitude is right.
That’s why I want You to search both my heart and my thoughts.
Try me and show me where the weak spots are.
Then lead me so we can work together in the way everlasting.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Layers of Meaning
The Bible is an amazing work of writing. It is even more amazing to me to find the wording able to reveal layers of meanings. I'll give three examples.
1) Ps 28:1 "Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit."
God is called a rock in this verse. Rocks don't hear anything. God can't hear if there is unconfessed sin between me and God (Isa 59:2). This may be why the Psalmist said "be not silent to me". You can stumble over a rock. Pharisees stumbled over Jesus who is called the "stumblingstone and the rock of offence" (Rom 9:33).
The Psalmist called God his rock and fortress (Ps 31:3) Rocks are strong and can be made into a good foundation. Jesus is even called the cornerstone (Eph 2:20).
2) Ps 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way." Does "he" and "him" refer to the man delighting in God's way? Or does it mean God delights in the man's way? I think it is both.
3) I Sam 5:6-7 called Jerusalem the city of David, while Luke 2:4 Bethlehem is the city of David. That sounds like a contradiction, but symbolically it is not. Jerusalem is in the promised land and can symbolize Jesus coming for the Jews. But Jesus died outside the walls of Jerusalem, which could symbolize Jesus coming for the Gentiles. At least, that satisfies me.
There are lots of symbols in the Bible. The next time you want to see layers of meaning, try following a symbol. I have found following the characteristics of a symbol here on earth can lead to finding more spiritual truths.
1) Ps 28:1 "Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit."
God is called a rock in this verse. Rocks don't hear anything. God can't hear if there is unconfessed sin between me and God (Isa 59:2). This may be why the Psalmist said "be not silent to me". You can stumble over a rock. Pharisees stumbled over Jesus who is called the "stumblingstone and the rock of offence" (Rom 9:33).
The Psalmist called God his rock and fortress (Ps 31:3) Rocks are strong and can be made into a good foundation. Jesus is even called the cornerstone (Eph 2:20).
2) Ps 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way." Does "he" and "him" refer to the man delighting in God's way? Or does it mean God delights in the man's way? I think it is both.
3) I Sam 5:6-7 called Jerusalem the city of David, while Luke 2:4 Bethlehem is the city of David. That sounds like a contradiction, but symbolically it is not. Jerusalem is in the promised land and can symbolize Jesus coming for the Jews. But Jesus died outside the walls of Jerusalem, which could symbolize Jesus coming for the Gentiles. At least, that satisfies me.
There are lots of symbols in the Bible. The next time you want to see layers of meaning, try following a symbol. I have found following the characteristics of a symbol here on earth can lead to finding more spiritual truths.
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